Aventuras Summer Camp 2025
Dates: TBA
Thanks for your interest in Aventuras! We're a small program with very few openings. We use this application to determine priority for any available spots. We will send more details and invitations to register in early 2025.
SUMMER CAMP (ages 3-6)
Our summer program is optional for school-year families, and is also available as a standalone summer camp on a limited basis. All of our usual policies for the forest school program apply to our summer camp program, but there is no application fee for those who are solely interested in summer camp. Please see our website for details on dates and tuition.
5-Day Enrollment
Target language acquisition is directly proportional to language exposure time. 5-day enrollment is also beneficial for acclimating your child to the routines and socialization more quickly. For these reasons, we require five day enrollment for all Summer Camp families.
Aventuras requires all children to be fully immunized according to the California Department of Health schedule for child care and preschool, unless the family can provide a doctor's note documenting that the child has a specific medical reason to exempt them from specific vaccinations. Please click here for more details.
Our natural setting is not under our control, and should be assumed to be an allergen-rich environment. We can accommodate requests to limit lunch and snack items (e.g. no peanuts at school) based on severe allergies.